Ryuzaki's Natural and Powerful Acne Remedies - RYUZAKI

Ryuzaki's Natural and Powerful Acne Remedies


Ryuzaki's Natural and Powerful Acne Remedies

How to Get Rid of Acne Quickly - Acne is a very annoying thing, although only a small lump on the face but acne can damage the appearance of bro and cyst that arises acne on the face.

This is how to get rid of acne without drugs / cosmetic products that promise to quickly get rid of acne.

How to Get Rid of Acne Properly and Quickly

Below I will write down natural ingredients that you can use to moisturize your stubborn acne.


Lime is also a fruit that has a lot of benefits for skin beauty. Lime contains citrid acid which is an excellent substance to move dead skin cells that cause acne. 
how to make lime to get rid of acne is very easy with mixed rose water

Squeeze the lime.

Prepare roses that can be obtained from the garden in the yard (if any) or buy them at the florist (don't forget to ask for authenticity).

Take the petals only and holy until clean.

Use distilled water to boil the petals of the rose. Boil over a low heat until the red color of the petals becomes pale and a sieve to filter the water of the rose stew.

Mix according to your estimate a squeeze of lime with rose water.

Apply the mixture to the acne-prone part.

Let stand for about 10 to 15 minutes.

Wash using warm water.

The herb is used periodically at least 2 times a week until it is completely gone.

Not only eliminate acne, the benefits of lime also have various benefits for skin and hair, read here for the benefits of lime.


Garlic that we often encounter in the kitchen turns out to have a variety of very powerful properties. Even the powerful sangking, garlic can get rid of acne in just one night.
Here's how to use garlic properties to get rid of acne,
Prepare some garlic.

Mash the garlic until soft.

Stick the garlic mash to the part that arises acne

Or, thinly slice the garlic Gsokan on the acne-prone part.

Although this method is sometimes a little painful, but this method is very effective for How to Get Rid of Acne Quickly.Not only acne, Garlic also has benefits for facial skin, want to know?

Egg Whites

Egg whites have many benefits for facial skin beauty. Many women use egg whites as a facial skin treatment by making it as a face mask. Besides being able to make the face become tight, white, clean and beautiful naturally, egg whites can also get rid of acne quickly. How to Get Rid of Pimples with Egg Whites.
Prepare the fresh eggs of your choice.

Separate the egg whites from the skin.

Beat the Egg Whites until frothy.

Apply the egg white shake to the breakouts.

Let stand ± 15 minutes or until it feels different on your face.

Wash with warm water

Egg whites will absorb the oil that causes acne and until finally acne will disappear quickly. Have you ever known Egg Whites are often used for masks, and Want to know How to make a Mask with Egg White? Read here the benefits and how to make a mask from Egg Whites.

Aloe Vera

Maybe this one you often know that Aloe Vera is one of the natural ingredients for hair. Not only hair bro and cyst, but aloe vera is also very good for health and skin. In this problem, aloe vera can be used to overcome acne. For the way itself is quite easy that you cut aloe vera into several parts, then you throw away the skin and apply aloe vera on your acne-prone mulit, do this way in the morning and evening, then the acne will quickly dry out.
Have you ever known Aloe Vera is often used for masks, and Want to know How to make a Mask with Aloe Vera? Next article yes

Using Papaya Fruit

Papaya contains vitamins that are very good for the skin. But still rarely people who know that papaya can be used to overcome acne. For the way itself is very easy, namely by blending papaya until soft, then you apply it on the face and let stand for about 20 minutes. After that you wash with water until clean. Have you ever known papaya fruit is often used for masks, and want to know how to make a mask with papaya fruit? Read here the benefits and how to make a papaya mask.

Using Natural Honey

Honey is very beneficial for the health of our body, especially for skin beauty. Honey can be used as an acne remedy, especially acne stones. In addition, honey can also get rid of acne scars quickly by mixing them with egg whites. You mix honey and egg whites with a dose of 1 to 1, you stir until mixed well, then you apply on the skin of your face. Let stand for a few minutes until your new soaks are cleaned with water. Want to know the benefits of honey for the skin? Read here all about the benefits of honey for facial skin.

Using Tomatoes

Tomatoes in addition to removing blackheads, tomatoes are also very powerful to get rid of acne. The trick is very easy is that you slice thinly tomatoes and then you stick it on your face that breakouts. You can also soften tomatoes in a blender, then use the tomatoes as a face mask. Do this way regularly, then not only acne is gone, but your face becomes clean naturally beautiful. Want to know the benefits of tomatoes for the skin? Read here all about the benefits and how to make tomato masks for facial skin


Not only cleaning the mouth and teeth, the benefits of toothpaste can also clean acne-prone skin. Apply toothpaste on the skin that contains acne to prevent inflammation and stop inflammation that occurs. This method should be done when going to sleep at night and let stand until morning, then clean your face when you wake up.

Grated Corn

Wash away the young corn that will be used to treat acne. After that grate the corn and take the dregs. Use the corn pulp as a face mask on acne-prone skin. Let stand for about 20 minutes then the smell is rinsed with water until clean.

Sea water salt

Sea salt is also a natural ingredient that can be used to get rid of acne quickly. You can mix sea salt with warm water, then you can use a cotton bud to apply it to the acne-prone part of the skin. You do not rinse it with water, let it sit, because sea salt will kill bacteria and dry out acne.

Apple Vinegar

This method is the purest way to get rid of acne on the skin of the face. Because Apple Vinegar can kill bacteria that cause infection in the face. The alkaline nature of Apple Vinegar is very good in balancing the pH condition of the skin that will inhibit the growth of bacteria.The ingredients used clean water, cotton, apple vinegar without filters. How to use it as follows:
Wash your face with clean water and wait for it to dry.

Dip the prepared cotton to Apple Cider Vinegar

Apply it to a acne-prone face

Let stand for 10/15 minutes

Rinse with clean water until it is completely clean on the skin of the face

If you feel your facial skin feels dry, you can use moisturizer to then use the method of Removing Acne with apple cider vinegar.

Orange Peel Paste 

Many people know that oranges are very beneficial for the skin as it rejuvenates cells and makes the skin of the face become fresh. Acne is due to bacteria that infect dead skin cells that clog pores. Well, with the content of vitamin C in oranges, new cells can grow quickly. Orange peel paste can be used to get rid of acne quickly naturally. The material used is only 1/2 of an orange, clean fresh water. How to use it as follows:

Wash your face with clean water and wait for it to dry.

Puree orange peel using Blender add a little water until it looks like pasta stelah mixture looks ideal apply kewajah for 30 minutes

Rinse with clean water

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